Step by Step Guide to Programming and Data Analysis using Python for Beginners and Intermediate Level
The book takes the “learn by practice” approach. We start from the very basics and move forward only after learning the basic concepts, which build on one another. The book starts with creating an interest in the subject of data science and links python programming language to it. Then we move ahead with the easiest and most effective approach towards installing the software which in itself shall not become the threshold a beginner can’t cross. Hence we take the GUI route of Anaconda Distribution. We go on to cover the entire spectrum of Python programming, with emphasis on trying every line of code by the reader. Hence, every chapter has ample examples and the reader is invited and cajoled, time and again, to open his machine along with the book to keep on practicing the concepts as they learn.
Click Here to explore the Book in detail on the Book Page.

Learn all about Data Science and Python Programming in 4 Weeks
Introduction to Data Science, ML & AI
Introduction to Programming and Python.
Running Python in Jupyter Notebook
Write your First Code
Variables, Objects and Operators in Python
Control Flow Statements
Functions and Modules
Real Life Project
NumPy, Pandas and Visualization Intro.
Note: This Course is not live as of now.
I am going to share all you want to know about Data Science and Python Programming language.
Python has become the first programming language of choice for most of the professional, and default choice language for Data Science and Machine Learning Applications.
The course is in the easiest possible language and explained in a way that any non technical and non computer background person can understand and follow.
(I am myself a mechanical Engineer who is passionate about Data and Machine learning.)
The course will cover the following
All about Data Science - Its use, application and What will it take for you to become a Data Scientist.
Introduction to Machine Learning and AI.
Introduction to Programming.
Python Programming Language from very basic.
How to use Python - Real Life examples and Projects.
​We just finished this course as per its schedule. I will share when the next Course will start. Meanwhile, You can learn from my book and From the videos from my course, which I am going to share with you for FREE.
“As much data is now being created every two days, as was created from the beginning of human civilization to the year 2003.”